Rolling Over
This just in...Lucy has officially "rolled over." For those who do not have babies...the "rollover" is the first among many milestones in a person's life which mark physical starts with the "rollover" moves onto the "crawling"...the "walking"...the "PhD"...and so forth.
So alas...we celebrate Lucy's first step towards climbing Mount Everest...
She had this to say about the day's events...
"You know I just got tired of looking at the ground when the mommy lady put me on my stomach. There's also the whole protection issue. The Ginger girl is a bit of a 'situation'....I mean....I love her and everything.....but I also think she wants to kill me a little you know...I gotta have my head on a swivel if I'm going to see my 6-month birthday....and if she's taking me down....I'm taking her with me...."