Grandparental Training
Ginger spent some time this weekend with Grandpa and Grandma Sanborn trying to soak up at least some of their powerful intellects. We generally count on all of the grandparents to do the job of educating Ginger because we are just too tired and really not that smart.
Here's Ginger showing off her powerful penmanship...clearly around 4 or 5 years ahead of her peers.....
Here's Grandma telling Ginger not to tell Mommy and Daddy that she wrote her name for her....because "it's okay to cheat if you don't get caught"...
Clearly Grandpa Sanborn had a role in "helping" Ginger with this drawing. I can spot his use of color and texture anywhere....
On an unrelated note....Ginger's hair seems to change color daily...we're not positive but we think she may have been involved in some kind of government experiment. Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger came by the house the other day looking for her...something is not right.
Here's Ginger showing off her powerful penmanship...clearly around 4 or 5 years ahead of her peers.....