Ginger's First Day of School
Though I was out of town on business and unable to see it for myself....Ginger apparently made a bold entrance on her first day of pre-school....
Rather than waiting for an older kid to stuff her in a locker....Ginger used her intensely developed physcholigcal warfare skills and voluntarily stuffed herself into a locker....thus making it cool...and removing the negative cultural stigma from the act itself. Either that...or her grandmother plopped her down in front of the lockers and took her picture.
Mommy tried to help Ginger with her homework....but she would have none of it. In fact, Ginger could be heard saying, "You're embarrassing me mom....I'm not a kid anymore...."
There's a time for books....and there's a time for rocking the firefighter helmut...and an educated person knows the difference...
Her neighbor seems somewhat unnerved by the fact that Ginger has painted what appears to be a terrifying rendering of an oversized spider.
On the opposite wall there was a montage of stick figures with frown-y faces and AK-47's showcasing all of Ginger's "enemies."
Part of the pre-school education process is teaching kids how to each out of a trough like a farm's very progressive/downtown/touchy-feely....
