Easter 2019

Easter. A time when all people who openly declare no religious affiliation whatsoever go that extra mile to soak in every inch of the German Lutheran tradition of having fuzzy animals judge their children's obedience with chocolate and firearms.  

We began by waking up too early, at which time Amie tortures the children by making them line up on the staircase in age order knowing a great bounty of sweets and wonders await them only steps away. 

Baskets were uncovered from their hiding spots and there was much joy...

There was excitement that bordered, at times, on terror...  

Will paused from free-basing chocolate eggs, only for a moment, so that he could transform temporarily into Lars Ulrich from Metallica... 

Then he loaded up the weapon Amie got him...for...you know....Easter....and pointed it directly at me...

We then proceeded to Amie's parents house where we immediately set about the task of capturing "the shot of the kids"...

Talent showed early signs of sugar withdrawal....

I succeeded in capturing the perfect Chris-Sanborn's-version-of-a-perfect-Easter-photo...

Then, for cover, I captured the perfect Amie-Sanborn's-version-of-a-perfect-Easter-photo...

The annual egg hunt ensued and Will got out to an early lead... 

Amie, disgusted at losing at anything..especially at the hands of her offspring, responded with her typical icy hot vitriol... 

Ginger, being her mother's daughter, followed her lead... 

Will continued to dominate..aided by his blue pants and sunny disposition...

Dick stuck his finger in his nose for reasons that were unclear to me and, I suspect, everyone else, including Dick...

Lucy tried to persuade Dick to reveal the location of the final 4 missing eggs...but Ginger ultimately emerged with the victory...by a margin of one egg.

We then headed to my parents' apartment in the city where I apparently didn't take any pictures except this one of the kids table....which was very loud and full of interesting facial expressions.

Realizing that Ginger and Lucy were playing on the jungle gym just as they did when we lived in this building during their early years, she got them to re-enact an old photo because that's what moms do... 


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